1. Pray for the needs in missionaries’ letters. Your Church should receive letters from each missionary it supports.
2. Pray for open doors. Many nations are closed to missionaries. Even in “open” countries, people’s hearts may be closed to the gospel.
3. Pray for missionaries’ spiritual needs. Missionaries need God’s presence, wisdom and anointing.
4. Pray for missionaries’ emotional and physical needs. Missionaries experience fear, danger, sickness, loneliness, and discouragement. Pray that they will have supportive friends, adequate rest and nutrition, and a sense of humor.
5. Pray for missionaries’ financial needs. In addition to personal expenses, missionaries need funds for building Churches, supporting Bible Schools, and many other projects.
6. Pray for missionaries’ cultural adjustment. Each nation has it’s own languages and customs. Missionaries must relate to the people they serve.
7. Pray for missionary families. Living in a new environment causes stress. Pray specifically for the relationships between each missionary couple and their children. Pray also for single missionaries.
8. Pray for missionaries’ working relationships. Pray that missionaries will keep a spirit of love and servanthood.
9. Pray for missionaries on deputation. Deputation is not vacation. Pray that God will give missionaries strength as they work to raise their budget.
10. Pray for missionaries in times of revival. In some countries people are coming to Christ in large numbers. Missionaries need prayer as they disciple new believers.
11. Pray for missionaries in the hard places. In some places missionaries count converts slowly or not at all. They need prayer to preserve in planting the gospel.
12. Pray in the Holy Spirit. Only God knows the needs of the hour. Allowing His Spirit to pray through you may help a missionary win a spiritual battle.